what is god blessing and god miracle | blessing vs miracle

what is god blessing and god miracle | blessing vs miracle

Blessing vs Miracle what is Blessing and miracle
what is Blessing and God Miracles 

Without undermining God’s miracles, I believe we are now living in God’s blessings,

So today in lord message I will give a simply about what is miracles and blessing 


oh lord thank you for giving us today's day thank you for everything that you have provided to us thank you for fulfilled our need, Thank you for protecting us thank you for helping us and also have mercy on me thank you lord while you are reading this article will be blessed in their life and also do there Miracle in life Thank you lord In Jesus Name the prayer Lord Amen


what is god blessing and god miracle

I will talk about only blessing and the miracles means yes but something different I didn’t use the bible verse and it is the straightforward explanations, and read it carefully.

We need to live less by the miracles of God. For example, we live mostly in God

The promise of divine health, we need the miracle of healing. Most churches

When you are sick, God heals your body. But how many preachers teach that what is the Health means basically what it is.

God gives you a divinely healthy life, deliverance from disease and

Disease? We need physical therapy as much as we are running with divine health.

We have already implemented this idea for the financial sector. As long as we live.In God’s promise of divine prosperity, we need God to do financial miracles

In our life. 

Must read :- All about sacrifice

The miracles of God save us in times of crisis; However, we can say that it is alive God's blessing will prevent a crisis.When God intervenes and solves a crisis through some miracle, it is as if He is working for us.

blessing vs miracle

When God keeps our word or promise brings blessings into our lives

Seed, he seems to be working with us. Miracles are transcending the natural laws of God Blessings are God's natural laws, seeds and To bring His blessings into our lives, again. Both blessings and miracles Supernatural and come from God.

Living by the miracles of God gives you a that you needs as your preferences prayer

Miracles every time you have to start doing this. I can hear the groan - most of us There it is! 

what a  miracle !
What a miracle !

The amazing thing is that God does something amazing with His grace Help you get your car started. But unfortunately, you still need another miracle.

As If I give my life example than I will include the at the time of rosh hashanah during the year 2018 I got a prophecy  to me by out church as it is a blessing for me and I also got the “Interpretation of tongues”[aka anya bhasha] and also i got a “Word of wisdom”.

So as I explain to you as in the above paragraph is a blessing and what above miracle ? so miracles can be any things that you want to be fulfilled or something that you have a wish for.

Must read :- ten commandments 

As I go through my list of miracle it will be never ending because I do my prayer and till the end of my answer, however from example from my life as in shot I healed lot many times, I got better and better marks in my any examination as I always work hard for that and I also Prayed and worship the lord but I don’t know how the miracle happen at any point of time, Believe me or not but you will experience it. 

miracle with you do hardwork
work hard as possible 

If you believe in yourself as well as God then you will definitely experience it.

And always remember that if you do your work that is hard work then God will surely help you but if you are lazy or something kind of don’t do this because the Proverbs Chapter 6:6-11 that you can read, and if are the hard workers of your works then stay calm and  have some patient and don’t unbelieve to God because  God will do his work at the right point of time.

Must read :-Kingdom of God

do prayer  blessing and miracle
Prayer is the key !

So don’t get worried or upset. Do prayer and prayer until you reach the goal of the prayer, however always remember that God is always listening to your prayer. Start the next day. God bless you can get a new (Your wish as you required )You need it every time,Our God is three in One Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and our holy spirits they are with us - Amen

So what do you understand about the "what is god blessing and god miracle" of this topic and comment below and or  your testimony  and be a part of it.

*My conclusion*

Thank you for reading my article and investing your time to read. I hope you like my article on this [main keyword] and let me know in the comment box, and share it to your friend and family, because it gave me motivation and pleasure to write and explain new amazing topics on Gospel . Until then bye see you in the next one. God Bless you. 

So now Comments your Testimony with us I will give shoutout on Instagram and your faith Experience in Gospel life and also tell about which should I have to Improve my explains about my article or where you didn’t understand properly let me know in comment section until then Good Bye God bless you




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