8 things you don't know about rosh hashanah | yom kippur 2020

what is rosh hashanah|rosh hashanah 2020

8 things you don't know about rosh hashanah
8 things you don't know about rosh hashanah

Praise the lord everyone, Today I will talk about what is  Rosh Hashanah, what it is, why it is celebrated as a festival and as a Rosh Hashanah hebrew new year.

rosh hashanah meaning | rosh hashanah 2020 hebrew year

what is the meaning of rosh hashanah

what is the meaning of rosh hashanah
what is the rosh hashanah
  1. Meaning 

The new year of Jewish is actually known as Rosh hashanah means”head of the year” ,simply our heads control the body and our gestures actions and thoughts on Rosh Hashanah it have remarkable impact throughout the year.Yom teruah is the name of the holiday in the bible it means Day of shouting or the day of shofar blowing.

Basically it is a 2 day celebration ,Tishrei is the first day which is the 7 month of ecclesiastical year and the nisan is the first month as contrast to the ecclesiastical year.

Rosh Hashanah is derived from the hebrew word Roshmeans‘Head’,”HA” is (THE) and Shanah mean’s (“Year”) But this festival does not appear in Torah according to the festival of the first day of the 7 month as know as Zikhron teruahWhich means a memorial of blowing of horns.

The days of Remembrance that is also known as “Yom Hazikaron” and the day of the judgment is known as “Yom Hadin”. since this is the day when God recalls all His creations and determines the fate for the year ahead.

It is the universe birthday at that time God Create the universe and also adom and eve as it is celebrated for Jewish new year.

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what date is rosh hashanah|what day is rosh hashanah

    1. Date 


    It will be seen at sunset 18 September till night 20 September.


    It will be seen at sunset 6 September till night 8 September.


    It will be seen at sunset 25 September till night 27 September.

  1. Timing

The timing will be approximately near 6:37 to 6:41 or 6:30 between 6:50 only on India 

Simply :--  18 Sep - 20 Sep Rosh Hashanah                  27 Sep - 28 Sep Yom Kippur                  2 Oct - 9 Oct Sukkot

what does rosh hashanah mean

  1. Origin 

In the Jewish culture 4 major new year are seen 

  1. TISHRI 

The Tishri is also called as Rosh hashanah it is usually corresponding to the month September to October as per Gregorian calendar 

  1. 15 SHEVAT

The second new year is 15 Shevat, known as the new year for trees. According to many sources most of the Jewish people consider 15 Shevat is not only the new year for trees but also for fruits.

  1. 1 NISAN

This is the third Jewish new year known as 1 Nisan. It is usually corresponding to the month of march and April as per Gregorian calendar as also corresponding to redemption from Egypt and the freedom of Israelite nation.

  1. 1 ELUL

This is the last new year known as 1 Elul it is also known as the new year for animal tithes also taxation.the tithe for cows and bovines had to be formed for cattle born in the same one another year or the next.

Basically the origin of he Hebrew New Year is to the beginning of the economic year as per the agricultural time period at that time of ancient near east.however it was the beginning of the cycle of saving growth or harvest in the new year as it is set in the autumn.

The reckoning of Tishri as the begin of the Jewish year began with the early option and was preserved by the Hebrew nation.

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rosh hashanah greeting | what to say on rosh hashanah

rosh hashanah greeting|what to say on rosh hashanah

  1. Greetings

The common greeting for rosh hashanah is “Shanah tovah” which means have a good year or often “shanah tovah umetukah” meaning “have a good year or sweet year”.

The formal greeting is commonly used among the people,ketivah Vachatimah tovah which means”A good inscription and sealing ” after the Rosh Hashanah end’s the greeting is lagged to” G’mar chatimah tovah “ which means a Good final sealing or L'shanah tovah tikatevu k’cllatmy meaning “may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year”.

what does rosh hashanah celebrate

what does rosh hashanah celebrate
what is the main factor ?

  1. Important for  religious 

The Rosh Hashanah is also known for the day of judgement . However on that day 3 book accounts are opened where in the wicked, the righteous and those of the intermediate class those are recorded.

The right one’s are immediately enter the name into the book of life and they are to be lived. The intermediate class are given a chance to improve themselves in respite of 10 days until the end of the Yom kippur to reflect and accept and become righteous. The wicked one are out of the book of the living and have no right to live forever. 

According to some midrashic says god is sitting on the throne and depicts the books containing this deeds or sin, all humanity are opened for review and one to one’s person passes the God in the font of him and checks her or his deeds and sin.

The Rosh Hashanah is mainly know or a holy festival for Hebrew and Jewish people the god as king of the whole world is in preparation for the acceptance and believing in the judgement that will be followed on that as it is written into the book of ‘Divine’ of judgement then one’s should have a chance to get the life back to normal and valance with in 10 days and waiting for all the repent, then afterward ‘s the book will be “sealed” on Yom kippur.

Must read :- ten commandments 

rosh hashanah traditions

what does the instruments use in rosh hashanah traditions
Rosh hashanah instruments used

  1. Instrument are used 

What instrument is used in Rosh Hashanah ?

rosh hashanah traditions
shofar blowing

 Shofar is used as an Instrument on the day of Rosh Hashanah As it is known as for Shofar Blowing as its version is Askhkenaz.

The first priority is most important here, the sound of shofar blowing. The best- known ritual of central observance of Rosh Hashanah is the blowing or the sounding of the shofar. A musical instrument created from an animal called Ram horn.

rosh hashanah traditions and shofar blowing
shofar made up of ram's horn

During the morning services the shofar are blown for the first 30 blast or 30 times and as 70 blast are blown during the particular services and with a total of 100 blast over the day and addition another round of 30 blast after the services.

Why is the shofar blown ?

Why is the shofar blown ?
why is shofar blowned

Because while the blowing of the shofar in the bible it’s mentioned in symbolic meaning that means a “wake up call” however the blowing of the shofar represents  not only the trump blast that is sounded at a king’s coronation but also sleepers awake up from the slumber ! it is the repentance and remembrance for the who is the creator.

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  1. Prayers and services

what does rosh hashanah celebrate and prayers
Prayers and services

The prayer and its services are more important during the time of Rosh Hashanah. A prayer book called a “machzor” which contains all the Torah and prayers reading for the entire day.

On this day religious poems known as piyyutim are added to it regularly as a service. 

The important additions are made to be in regular services, mostly are seen as extended repetition of the prayer for both shacharit and musaf is the blowing ceremony of shofar. Morreso over there are other necessary element of the prayer services that are most pierce to the Rosh Hashanah

The prayer of musaf maidah has a unique prayer as a part of the first and last 3 blessings, as it contains 3 central blessings and it’s making a total of 9 the blessing for the holiness of the days.

  1. Foods and feats

what is the rosh hashanah traditions
Foods feats and meals

Feat and meals  is an important factor of this festival as we eat meals every night and day of the holiday as according to other holiday meals but there are some important differences such as.

  1. It includes apples dipped into honey to symbolize a sweet new year,as it traditional begin of the meal on the first night “May it be your will to renew for us a good and sweet year” before eating the apple and they prayed.

  2. Most of the Jewish people eat the part of the head of a fish or ram that can be expressed as the wish of the person to need a head not to be tail.

  3. In this tradition they don't eat “nuts” as well as vinegar based food since they don’t want a sour and bitter year.

  4. The fruit pomegranates is used in this tradition also to symbolize being fruitful within its many seeds.

  5. The other common food is a sweet common food is a sweet carrot based dish that is eaten by the yiddish name called “merren” which is both “carrot” and “increase”,which symbolize the wish for a year of abundance.

  6. Other symbolic foods eaten in this festive season are dates,leek,spinach,gourd andvlack eyed peas.

  7. However on other hand that means on the night of the second holiday they don’t eat apples,fish heads and pomegranates,blackeyed,dates etc.

rosh hashanah 2021

rosh hashanah and yom kippur
what is next after Rosh hashanah ?

  1. What next after the Rosh hashanah?

So what next after the Rosh Hashanah, In this season is the high holiday is a very good time for an epic journey and memories as for the soul as it is the start of the high holidays which means Yamim Noraim.

The holy is Yom kippur as we gather together for a 25 hours of fasting prayer and inspiration movement from others a week later.

what is High Holidays
High holidays to you 

The day is known as the 10 days of repentance as also called days of return, as a propitious time for teshuvah as return to God.

However the season of the high hoildays is a time for an amazing movement for the soul and where it all begins the Rosh Hashanah.

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My Opinion 

Thank you for reading my article and investing your time to read. I hope you like my article on this ‘what is rosh hashanah | Rosh Hashanah hebrew new year’ and let me know in the comment box, and share it to your friend and family, because it gave me motivation and pleasure to write and explain new amazing topics on Gospel . Until then bye see you in the next one. God Bless you. 

So now Comments your Testimony with us I will give shoutout on Instagram and your faith Experience in Gospel life and also tell about which should I have to Improve my explains about my article or where you didn’t understand properly let me know in comment section until then GoodBye God bless you



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